This program is aimed at helping needy people going home to celebrate Idul Fitri (special day in Islamic Event) with their family in home town. The content of the program are giving free ride and financial support for every participant.
As Makassar ......
is the capital city of South Sulawesi, it has attracted many job finder. It has been flooded by them for earning a living. They work in every aspect of economic activity. it is undeniable that their contribution to the progress of this city is significant.
And as the manifestation of social program agenda of the company, or in modern corporate management theory known as Corporate Social Responsibility, the company share part of revenue for the success of the program.
This program is welcomed enthusiastically. Participant comes from Various regency around South Sulawesi province. This year, the event held in Head Office. It will be started this morning.
It is a pleasure for me being given the chance to take a part in this party. Sharing is the main factor here. Hopefully in the next coming year, it will be reprogrammed and can accommodate more participants.